Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thesis Blog
1) A. I’m going to write about Darwin’s concerns with evolution in The Origin of the Species.
This is the weak thesis statement because it is a statement of what the author is doin gin the paper, not a point that the author is trying to make. The author should instead pick a smaller aspect about the subject material, make a point and pick a side.
2) A. An important part of one’s college education is learning to better understand others’ points of view.
This is the weak thesis statement because it is a broad, generalized statement that is not proving a point. It is a bit of conventional wisdom, which is obvious and does not warrant further investigation.
3) B. The jeans industry targets its advertisements to appeal to young adults.
This is the weak thesis statement because is again is a broad question with generalized, non-specific information that really needs no argument.
4) A.Othello is a play about love and jealousy.
This is the weak thesis statement, again, because it is a broad statement, a generalized argument. Also, the author takes no side here when it comes to the argument, since there really is no argument.
5) A. The songs of the punk rock group Minor Threat relate to the Feelings of individuals who dare to be different. Their songs are just composed of pure emotion. Pure emotion is very important in music, because it serves as a vehicle to convey the important message of individuality. Minor Threat’s songs are meaningful to me because I can identify with them.
This is the weak thesis statement because the author is using personal opinion to form their argument. Theoretical arguments should be based on assertations that can be supported by facts and other information. An opinion is not reliable enough for a thesis statement.

My thesis statement for the first statement of Atwood’s book would go something like this: “Through her writing, Atwood is condemning religious fanaticism, and linking its occurrence with the fall of society and the suppression of women.” I came about this thesis statement by asking myself what point the author would be trying to make with this story. I feel that different portions of the text infer that the author is warning about the dangers of religious fanaticism and its implications on established society. I feel this thesis statement is arguable, quite specific, and that there are portions of the text that would support my assertions.

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